Sunday 10 May 2009

Lazy Sunday Afternoon

In need of a pick me up i drove to my friends house and picked her up and took her down to Looe. The sun was out and it was such a nice day it was great to see all the holiday makers mingling with the locals and enjoying a sunny afternoon.
There were even people in swimming - quite brave as I'm sure it wasn't quite that warm to venture into the sea.

We walked around the streets of Looe day dreaming about buying one of the properties and turning it into a B & B (well we all have our dreams!).

The scene on the riverside of parents and their children hanging over the edge with the fishing line trying to catch crabs was quite idyllic.

We sat and watched them in the May sun and then decided to have a Cornish Cream Tea. What a brilliant end to a fantastic day. One we will do again i am sure. It did us both good to get out of the house and get some sea air.

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